Bilel Beini, a TEK-UP student in his final year in Telecom Engineering is completing his graduation project within the company Algar Telecom in Brazil…
Read more...Bilel Beini, a TEK-UP student in his final year in Telecom Engineering is completing his graduation project within the company Algar Telecom in Brazil…
Read more...TEK-UP student Anas Srikou was granted a 6-months internship in Tokyo as a Back-end developer…
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Read more...Sarah Khammassi, a TEK-UP student in her final year in Data Science Engineering is completing her graduation project in Artificial Intelligence within the laboratory Pierre Fabre Toulouse…
Read more...Semah Mhamdi, a TEK-UP student in his final year is completing his graduation project in Paris within the company onepoint…
Read more...Radhi Nasser, a TEK-UP student in his final year is completing his graduation project in Paris within the company MedGo…
Read more...TEK-UP student Mokhtar Amor was granted a 12 months internship in Milestone Systems in Denmark…